
It's been a crazy roller coaster ride of late for everyone. Highs and lows, peaks and troughs, good days and the not so good. I've tried to put into words how I've been feeling lately and ended up writing this poem. So whether you are having a good day, a bit of a low day … Continue reading Sometimes

Times Like These

Oh, helloo! (In my best Mrs Doubtfire voice! You can hear it too, right?) 😂 It's been a while. And yet no time at all. I hope this blog post finds everyone healthy, safe and semi-sane! I hope your cupboards are stacked full with wine, your fridge is crammed with delicious treats, your lounge wear … Continue reading Times Like These

A letter to my 21 year old self

With every passing year, my dear Mum is extremely prone to beautiful, profound and heartfelt messages about how extraordinary life is while also gently reminding me that it moves incredibly fast... blink, and you might just miss it. I have to admit, I didn't always believe her  when I was a fresh-faced 21-year-old, I always … Continue reading A letter to my 21 year old self

Festive dates for the diary in Edinburgh this December

The most wonderful time of the year has arrived once more, where it’s perfectly acceptable to eat mince pies for your breakfast, wear an offensive knitted Rudolph jumper on a Saturday night out and sing along to Mariah Carey at the top of your lungs… agreed? We all know that Christmas is a time for … Continue reading Festive dates for the diary in Edinburgh this December